UFIT Professional Technologies: Office Productivity (Certificate Program)

This curriculum is designed to equip individuals with essential skills to thrive in modern workplace environments. Participants will become familiar with Microsoft Teams and learn how to leverage the tool to enhance collaborative practices. The program also includes the fundamental knowledge of AI text generators, how to navigate Microsoft Copilot effectively, and the art of crafting efficient prompts to generate helpful outputs. Finally participants will be introduced to the functionalities of Microsoft Excel to become efficient with the tool for effective data management.

This certificate program consists of four self-paced and instructor-led courses. Click on each course below to register and start the training.

  • Introduction to Microsoft Teams (Instructor-led)
    • This introductory training is meant for beginners who would like to get their feet wet! Learn the basics of Microsoft Teams, best uses, and how to set up and customize a team.
    • Time commitment: 1.5 hours
  • Cultivate Work Culture with Microsoft Teams (Self-paced)
    • Explore ways to build a positive work culture in Microsoft Teams through communication, connection, community, and celebration of your team.
    • Time commitment: Approx 10 minutes
  • UF GPT Microsoft Copilot – UF AI Assistant for Work (Instructor-led)
    • Learn the basics of how AI text generators work, see the live demonstration of Copilot in action, and practice using Copilot for professional writing, content creation, and ideation
    • Time commitment: 60 minutes
  • Microsoft Excel Basics 1: Shortcuts  (Self-paced or Zoom Instructor-Led)
    • Become comfortable navigating Microsoft Excel through these shortcuts: 
      • Ribbon
      • QuickAccess Toolbar
      • PageBreak Preview
      • Select Arrows vs Enter and Tabs
      • Ready/Edit/Enter Modes
      • Clipboard
      • Format Painter
      • Custom Fill Colors
      • Borders
    • Time commitment: 1 hour

All four courses are required to obtain the certificate; however, each course can be taken in any order. You will have to register for each course individually. Once all four courses are completed, the UFIT Professional Technologies: Office Productivity Certificate will be issued to your myTraining account in the "Training Transcript" section.

There are no additional steps needed to register for this certificate.


Need different dates? For consultation or to schedule an event, request training.


Who's it for?

Faculty, Staff


Classroom event, Online: facilitated, Online: self-paced, Video, Webinar

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